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Winner – Sophia Zhang

We’ve loved reading all the original and inventive micro-fiction entries this year, and we’re delighted by the exquisite bites of brilliance that our talented writers have produced!

Congratulations to winner Sophia Zhang, and to all our shortlisted writers.

Keep scrolling to see the longlist.

Hayley-Jenifer Brennan

The Woman In Red Takes The Stand

Hayley is from Ireland and this is her first time writing micro-fiction.

Georgia Cook

A Stickler For Convention

Georgia is a concept artist, illustrator and writer from London. She has previously been published as a reviewer and short story author, and can be found on Twitter @Georgiacooked.

David Davies

When The Noise Stopped

David is a visual artist and writer from Norfolk. He exhibits as a member of the Artists’ Society in London, the Free Painters & Sculptors (est. 1952), and has recently published short fiction and short-form poetry in the UK and internationally.

Sophia Zhang

1950s Washing Day

Sophia is a high school student residing in Chicago, Illinois. She has been stringing words together since her inception and is very happy to channel them into readable packets of intrigue for other people to read. Besides writing, Sophia plays piano, volleyball, or her favourite song on repeat.

Flash Fiction Longlist

Mary-Jane Harbottle  –  Gold Shoes, Wrong Feet

Ryan Hays  –  See You Later

Tim Kelleher  –  Boxed In

Jennifer Shneiderman  –  Medium Well